Pharmacy ServicesRedwind has the network and experience to help you better manage your pharmacy. Redwind has experience opening new pharmacies from design through licensure, payor contracting, and staffing. If you are thinking of adding a pharmacy or rethinking an existing pharmacy, we can help you manage more effectively and profitably.
Acquisitions SoughtRedwind has an interest in acquiring established, unique retail pharmacies in an number of geographies. Focused on science-based retail products and services.
Opioid and Substance Abuse ServicesRedwind has a long history in helping to provide responsible pharmacy and provider services to the pain and substance abuse market. We can help pharmacies and providers develop sensible service protocols to help give quality care and to manage increased regulatory oversight such service may bring.
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Redwind has focused for years on bringing healthcare innovation and technology to market, with a particular focus on the intersection of the two. Improving access to care, improving consumer medication adherence, and science-based cosmetic and nutrition oriented consumer products are our current areas of focus.
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Redwind was founded on the notion that bringing the right analytical and execution tools, management and capital to bear on innovation opportunities will yield superior and lasting value to owners and clients and the communities they serve. Redwind’s founders have decades of experience in the fields of healthcare, pharmacy, technology-based development, early stage opportunity formation and acceleration, and growth company management and investment. We offer a no nonsense style, time tested tools and analytics, and a deep network of associates to help extract and accelerate value creation from technology and innovation.